Saturday 28 May 2011

Cinematic Peeves

Hi all,

Sorry again for the break in tradition for blogging everyday. I fear that I'll have to permanently break it, cos you know, I'm a busy person!

Went to the cinema up at the O2 yesterday to see The Hangover: Part II. It's a pretty awesome film I must say, not better than the first one, but not worse at the same time. One part of it which I didn't get (possibly bad scripting or on the director's behalf) was the part where (minor spoiler) Stu's Bride-to-be's brother loses his finger, and doesn't really feel bothered at all by it. I'm sorry, but if I were to lose one of my fingers, I would be more than just a bit upset, especially if I was 16 (the actor looked more like he was around 20). Then again, this is an American film, whatchagonnado?

Had a minor issue with my ticket in the cinema as well. I decided to use the self-service ticket machine that only accepts cards. Sure, I got a ticket, and paid the full £9.40 Adult price, but there was one problem; my friends all had their ticket for the 21:45 showing, while I had the one for the 22:50 showing. I am absolutely positive that I chose the right ticket on the self-service machine. When I asked the manager about it, he said that the tickets for the 21:45 showing were all sold out, so that's why it gave the 22:50 showing instead. Well thanks a lot, VUE Cinema! Instead of informing me that the tickets were sold out for the showing, instead you take my money, and give me a ticket for a showing which I DID NOT ask for. What, can you tell how flexible I am; "Meh, I asked for the 21:45 showing, and it's getting late, but sod it! might aswell get home for like 3 in the morning". Nevertheless, I managed to get in with my friends to watch it at 21:45. My word, there was a lot of advertising, so the film actually started at 22:10 or something.

I guess it's just me, but I get quite annoyed when people start talking about the events that happened during a film you just watched. It's like "Yeah yeah, that bit was funny - oh yeah, that bit too - yeah that was good - ok - yep - *nod* - *nod* - *sigh*" ad infinitum. Maybe it's because they really want to remember parts of the film so that they can talk about it in the future, but I mean, comon, we all watched it, and our attention span isn't that of a 5 year-old (for most of us, anyway). Actually, come to think of it, I'm really bad at remembering films.

Until next time.

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