Tuesday 26 October 2010

Holidays going slow..

Wow, this half term is going pretty slow... mind you, it's not slow enough... the MAT is right around the corner, and after scoring less than 50% on a 2008 paper, I need all the practise I can get.

My computer keeps freezing up still (it's a new build). After fiddling around with the temperatures, I reckon it has something to do with my graphics card, which I salvaged from my old power-surged computer. Looks like a few transistors on the gpu got fried in the process.. I'll only know by christmas, when hopefully I'll be upgrading to a gtx 460 :D

This will probably be my last blog until I come back from camping on Sunday. Off to Wales for 4 days. should be good!

I guess what this week has taught me is that I don't think i'll be regretting anything that I do in terms of studies. I'm working at my hardest, and if it's not enough, then so be it. I think the main way of getting into a good university is with good luck. It's like a lottery, really. I don't really mind what Uni I get into out of my five choices. So long as it's one of them...

Maybe my interest in going into the computer games industry hasn't dwindled yet. I've become enthused again by the physics and graphics engines within games. you should check out something called 'RealMatter' to understand what I'm saying. It's just so fun to watch and play about with. kinda like nerd-porn, I guess.

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