Friday 5 November 2010

My eyes have opened wider

Michio Kaku is my idol.

After doing a little further reading into the most interesting of subjects to do with computing; Quantum Computing, I currently feel that I am discovering what I am truly interested in.

Nothing is more interesting that figuring out ourselves. What is it that makes us who we are? Are we programmed? our DNA is apparently nothing much more than a sequence of code, and we are already beginning to manipulate this code with the implementation of genetic engineering. This goes hand in hand with Quantum theories, specifically the stability and form of the atom, and its state of existence.

If atoms can be in an infinite number of places at one time, surely a Quantum computer would be able to produce an infinite amount of calculations in any given period of time (being the fourth dimension). But we do not yet know (perhaps never will know) how to control atoms in normal environments to calculate anything more than 3 times 5. Judging by the advances in technology, I believe we will one day be able to produce true quantum computers which will replace the current silicon ones. However, I do not believe that we as humans have the capacity to produce anything as smart (or smarter) than ourselves, for if we were to produce that, we would have to understand everything about our own brains, which would require a smarter brain than we have. Since we only know ourselves to be the smartest species, this simply cannot be done. True artificial intelligence that surpasses the human brain cannot be achieved, in my opinion.

Try to think in terms of a dog. The dog cannot think like a human, so it does not understand the world as we understand it. In other words, you can't imagine thinking in terms of a dog, or even a cat, or a cockroach, or a fly, or a bacterium, or anything. We only perceive the world as we see it. and each of us, even as human beings together, cannot truly understand each other's way of thinking. Maybe it's because we're not meant to.

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