Thursday 21 October 2010

A good day

Today was just generally, a good day! you know one of those days where you just feel absolutely contempt with everything...

Conversations with my Further Maths teacher and friend today about Uni felt very fulfilling. I feel as if I'm actually going to be successful in my life... It's hard to describe how I'm feeling right now, actually.
Why can't all conversations be like that?

Oh, on the way home I witnessed some random guy shouting at a lady pushing a pram as she was about to cross the road at quite a busy junction, without going to a designated crossing. I thought, good on you mate, you might have just saved a life or two there. I just hope he didn't get the wrong impression when I glanced at him as he turned towards me. He looked a bit beastly.

Common sense is one of the most basic and vital things which we humans possess, in my opinion. I guess some people just ignore it.

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