Thursday 9 June 2011

Revision Tekkers

Hi all,

So my first exam is less than a week away, and to be totally honest I haven't done a large amount of revision at all. Feeling guilty I guess, but regardless, my actions make me who I am, and so far, I think I've done alright for myself.

Revision is one of those things that many people take to a different meaning. To some people, revision is simply reading through their textbook. To another person, revision is simply writing down things that they remember without actually looking at their notes or textbook. To another, revision is simply the confidence in thinking that you'll do alright in the exam. For me, revision is taking notes on things I'm not quite sure about, and (because I do Maths) sitting myself down under exam conditions and doing test papers after test papers.

I think doing test papers is the best form of revision, because it puts you in the right mindset for the exam, so in effect you know what to expect when it comes to the actual thing. Then again, for a lot of subjects there aren't many test papers freely available, either because of the exam board being bastards or the specification for the course changing recently.

I know quite a lot of people prefer to revise in the library; it's quieter (depending on where you go), more relaxing, and also provides opportunity to socialise with friends. Because I feel comfortable in my own home, I prefer to revise at home. It's where my mind feels like it can focus, because it's not being stimulated by new and exciting sights all the time, or distractions like attractive girls walking by (doesn't happen often in Newham though, haha). Some people say they can't revise at home because there's too many distractions like Facebook. Well, simply turn your computer off then! It's not that hard. Although I don't think I've been addicted to anything so much that it becomes a habit. Apart from biting my fingers. Really need to stop that. It's not like I can just cut off my fingers and solve that problem easily, lol.

Obviously, some people have annoying brothers or sisters, and possibly parents who put too much pressure on them, or have some kinds of disagreements with them. Sometimes I guess the library is the only place people can go to for focusing on work.

On that note, I need to get revising tomorrow. -After I collect my passport and visa from the Ugandan Embassy. No lie.

Until next time.

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